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Should Museum Admission Be Free?

    There are pros and cons to the differing approaches for funding access to art institutions.

    The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

    The Museum of Modern Art recently increased their admission price to $30 per visitor for the average adult. Admission is still free to New Yorkers the 1st Friday of the month. Many America museums charge entrance fees to visit their collections while relying on wealthy donors and patrons to fund capital campaigns, host major exhibitions, or update their permanent collections.

    During a recent visit to London, I was surprised at my ability to visit storied museums – the British Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and the Tate, for free. Countries like Britain have decided to showcase cultural treasures to visiting patrons (including vacationers) and to make sure future Britons are properly educated to do the same.

    Children in these cities have high levels of exposure to museums, music, arts and cultural events. Starting at very early ages, students take many field trips to museums to see the collections and artifacts. They also learn how to tour a museum, a skill they can use throughout the world for the rest of their lives, and a skill especially useful for senior community members.

    HAVarts encourages you to have a point of view on this topic. Hopefully, you will agree that there should be no “barriers to entry” for the fine arts. Knock down the barriers that impede engagement with artists and cultural events. Nurture entry for engaging in artists, seeing art, learning about art, and learning how to love art.

    What Do You Think?

    Here are some articles and editorials that advocate for free admission to museums.

    Why All Major Museums Should Be Free

    Conde Nasté Traveler: Art shouldn’t only be for those who can afford to see it. When a city like London manages to keep their (brilliant) institutes free of charge, all other big cities should be able to, also. Right?

    Pros and Cons for Free Admission to Museums

    IDebate: Museums are expensive to run, with the costs of acquisitions, conservation, maintenance, staff salaries and special exhibitions all weighing heavily upon their budgets.

    Proponents of free museum entrance fees argue that free museums encourage attendance and therefore increase education and awareness of state heritage. Opponents respond that there is little evidence that free prices encourage new attendees rather than repeat visitors and that state funding should be used elsewhere.

    Should Museums Be Free?

    The BBC: Do you think museums should be free? New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art leads people to believe the $25 fee is required rather than merely recommended.